In The Crease Movie
The movie In The Crease is a documentary from Stickmen Pictures LLC. The movie follows a Bantam AAA team, the California Wave, for the last month of their season leading up to the national tournament.
"Extraodinary! A must have for every hockey player."
"Fantasctic hockey scenes...A winner! A must have for every hockey player."
-The Hockey News
"A great story...Resonates with puckheads across the globe!"
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Buy rink boards for your backyard ice rink. [Acheter des bandes de patinoire] We offer quality products and different types depending on the design of your rink.
Choosing a multi-year ice rink tarp in Canada and USA. Plus installing, fixing and storing your tarp. Why to use just one large tarp for your backyard ice rink.
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Hockey Movies
In the Crease